Friday, December 21, 2012

Live Nativity scene in Trastevere

Today's photos

1.  "The Live Nativity Scene in Trastevere".  This takes place in Piazza Trilussa, just across Ponte Sisto in Trastevere.
2.  The donkey is being made ready to carry his special passenger over Ponte Sisto into Trastevere.
3.  The animal doesn't seem a bit disturbed by all the excitement as he waits patiently to perform his duty.
4.  Mary and Joseph are now ready to begin their journey into Trastevere.
5.  Joseph leads the donkey as he and Mary cross Ponte Sisto.
6.  This is the scene in Piazza Trilussa after their arrival.
7.  Here's a wide view of the scene taken from Ponte Sisto.
8.  You can't have a live Manger scene without the Magi on their camels!
Buon Natale to all from the Trastevere neighborhood in Rome!

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