Monday, July 30, 2012

La Festa de' Noantri

Today's photos:  (All of these photos are from this year's festival)
1.  Here is the Madonna fiumarola in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere just before the Monday morning Mass.
2.  The procession leaves the basilica and begins its journey through the neighborhood. The bishop, don Matteo, is the former pastor of Santa maria who was just recently named bishop. The priest just visible in the right bottom corner is don Marco, the current pastor.
3.  It's no easy task to be one of the bearers in the procession.
4.  The band of the Vigili Urbani (city police) leads the way.
5.  Part of the enormous crowd of people in this year's procession.
6.  The Madonna is escorted down the river on her way to Trastevere.

La Festa de' Noantri , the big eight-day festival in Trastevere, concluded this morning, Monday, July 30, with a 6:30 a.m. Mass in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere. This was followed by a procession through the streets of the neighborhood and the return of the statue of the Madonna fiumarola to its permanent home in the church of Sant'Agata. The highlight of the festival is always the procession down the Tiber river, which took place yesterday, Sunday, July 29.  You can read the full story of this interesting Trastevere neighborhood festival in Rome: Sights and Insights, Chapter 9, La Festa de' Noantri.  Please note that there is one correction to be made in that text. On page 78 it states that the festival begins ". . . on the Saturday before the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel . . . "  It should read " . . . on the Saturday after the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel . . . ".  In the book you will also find more photos from past festivals to go along with the ones of this year.

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